Monday, March 27, 2017

Drop It Off - Part II - Short Story

Scene I - BP Gas Station Oxford MS 


Oh my God! My son is gone! That bastard took him to God knows where!  I feel queasy, my head is spinning….and my….my…

(Call an ambulance, she’s out cold)

Damn! Should I go to the hospital with Cola or keep looking for my baby Mason? Shit! What am I supposed to do? Fuck it! I’m gone keep looking for Mason and call the nurse at the hospital to check on her. I plant a kiss on Cola’s forehead and hop in the car with Detective Macy, we zoom down Lamar, looking for a black man 6’3” approximately 215 lbs. Hell I’m thinking, that’s the average brother around town from all the hoods across America. I couldn’t help but mentally imagine my measurements clearing myself from the crime, old habits die hard. We are searching under every bridge, alley, crook and corner, this is the longest 30 minutes of my life. We are headed towards Ole Miss College and we hear “vehicle stolen, Lamar area, blue Chevy Spark, 4-Door, hatchback, MS Tags OLVBRAN, last known location on the Interstate headed towards Memphis.” I felt like I was one of the starring actors from Fast-N-Furious, the detective whipped the Dodge Charger, floored it, as we see the entire force was in unison as the tires screeched and the engines revved. The interstate was clear, people pulled over to the shoulder and allowed all of us to speed pass them. As we get in the City of Southaven, we see the car and I can see my son’s car seat. Either the detective will make him stop the car or I will, “Calm down dad, we’re gonna get him” the officer in the patrol car says over the loud horn radio, ”Pull-the-vehicle-over-now, all-we-want-is-the-baby!” I’m like this main gone know he flodging, every professional criminal knows that is some bull shit. I grab the radio and hit the button and I say “Nigga pull that mutha fucking car over so I can’t get my son or it’s gone be some consequences and repercussions!” The detective snatches the radio out my hand, by that time, I had my point across. I think it’s working too, dude is slowly pulling over to the shoulder on I-55 North, we can tell he confused, whether to keep going or surrender. (Phone rings) Hello. “Yes is the husband of Cola Richards?” Nah, I’m her boyfriend also known as the baby daddy, but we almost married though, we just ain’t sign the papers yet. “O-kay then, well she listed you as next of kin the last time she was here, so we can discuss her condition with you. “She don’t have no condition, she just needs the smelling salt to wake her up so we can find our son. “I’m sorry Mr. Malik but her blood pressure is at an all-time high, and we must keep her for observation and treatment. We expect to keep her at least 48 - 72 hours and releasing her with a normal BP based on several factors of course.” (Code Blue) “Sir we are gonna have to call you back” Wait! What does code blue mean? (Clicks) Damn!

 Scene II - High Speed Chase 

Detective Macy  

I just know this is the person of interest we have been looking for since the murder of Baby Rosy. If he gets away with this baby, this child won’t have a chance at living life. My God, please don’t let this criminal escape our claws! As tears stream from my face, I picture Cola in my head, lying in the street, almost panicked to death. I must take matters in my own hands, I’ve been tormented every single day, every single waking moment that I should have done something to help Baby Rosy, this time-that-won’t-happen. I speed up till I’m even with the Spark, and I cut my steering wheel hard to the right, bumping the small car, just enough to push it to the shoulder of the road. My officers boxed him in, the officer in front is slowly hitting the brakes, and the Spark has no choice but to slow down and come to halt. Every officer had their guns drawn standing behind their vehicles, I pulled out the bull horn and told the driver, step-away-from-the-vehicle, leave the child in the car. He didn’t move, we didn’t wanna use any excess force to upset the child but he was going down one way or another. I told him, put-your-hands-in-the-air and slowly, slowly, open up the driver’s door. Still no movement from the driver’s seat, however there was movement in the backseat, possibly two small children, could there be a third person in the vehicle?n

Scene III - Baptist Memorial Hospital – North Mississippi 

“Ma’am can you hear me?” Yeah, I can hear her but for some reason I can’t open my eyes or get my voice to speak. All I see is darkness and white sparkles, I can see only a hue of light. I can hear several people around me, they are checking my blood pressure, giving me fluids, checking my pulse, and constantly talking to me. I hear, she has a concussion and we don’t want her to go into a deep sleep, place her on a ventilator, 24-hour monitoring and NPO (nothing by mouth). What? I’m hungry now, so nothing to eat is simply not going to work, wonder what day it is, and damn I need to call my editor. “I’ll keep watch on her for the next hour and then I’ll brief the nurse when the shift changes. I hear the door open but not close but then again maybe it’s on a saloon style. “Co-la, Co-la hey sweet thang, you know who I am, don’t cha?” I just know they ain’t let Shasta up in my hospital room, I know she was with Malik when I called him. Bitch probably got a monitoring device on her phone connected to his, at least that’s what he told me. “Yeah it’s me, I want you to go ahead and get you some good rest and I’m gone keep fucking Daddy while ya kids call me Mommy. The next time I suck his dick, I’ll make sure to give him slow licks from the top, swirling my tongue around our dick and sucking every drop of cum till it runs completely out. Us side chicks call it The Popsicle Effect, what you know about that? I’ll cap his dick every single fuck-ing day and throw him this pussy like it’s part of my daily religion, to keep him in my life and to end yours.” My blood pressure shoots up, I’m feeling hot, my machine starts to beep, my body is shaking uncontrollably, I’m having a seizure. The nurses storm in and see Shasta and asks her Dr. Shasta Adams, what's going on? I came in to check on the patient, I saw her blood pressure elevated, I was ordering a RX for Lisinopril and when I pressed the call button you guys came right on in expeditiously. Thank you guys for being alert and following protocols, although I didn’t notice that her ventilator wasn’t plugged up…..

© 2017 CiCi Rayne ǁ All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 20, 2017

Drop It Off - Part I Short Story

Scene I – First Tennessee bank – 9:30pm - Cola
I pull up to the ATM, there are 2 cars ahead of me, I’m in my own world, looking very snatched in my black fitted crop top, blue jean shorts, and red high heels. The music is blaring, couldn’t help but give my little Nissan Sentra a lap dance in my seat. I look in my rearview mirror and put on my super sexy lip gloss, mesh my lips together to even the blend and I notice a man running up to the window. I didn’t have time to let the window up, he gets to my car and says “drop it off bitch!” I hand him my purse through the window but my wallet was in between my legs, I closed my thighs tighter so he wouldn’t notice. “Bitch get out the car, now!” Okay, okay, you don’t have to yell, I open the door and step out and my wallet falls to the ground, we both look down and when I looked up his hand drew back with the pistol in it and the next thing I saw was stars twinkling around my head. I thought that was only on cartoons, but obviously this shit is fucking real. I fall to the ground and I scoot back out of the street as I watch him peel away in my car with all of my money and my……and my baby in the backseat, he was sleeping. I wail aloud screaming somebody help me, please somebody help me! A customer sees me in the parking lot and comes to my rescue, he asked me “Ma’am are you okay?” No, I’m not okay! That bastard kidnapped my son, stole my car and my purse! “I’m going to call the police ma’am, calm down and I’m sure they will find your son.”
Scene II - Missing Persons Unit Detective Macy 
Detective Roberts, we just got a phone call from security at FT Bank, there has been a kidnapping of a 6-month old baby boy, brown eyes, wearing a Scooby Doo onesie, goes by the name of Mason. The tags on the license plate is BHZ 911, Tennessee tags, gray vehicle, last seen headed east bounds on Shelby Drive, probably headed to Interstate-55, but not sure if he’s headed north or south bound. Let’s put an Amber Alert on baby Mason Strong and that vehicle. Now, I’m wondering if this guy is connected to the kidnapping and murder of Baby Rosy from two weeks ago. Let’s call Desoto and put them on the watch and let’s head to the North and see if we can pick up a trail. Tell MPD to update us as soon as they get to the scene.
Scene III – Baby Daddy – Malik
Damn baby, do it like this, hold up, don’t scave it with yo teeth, open your throat and relax your muscles, yeah that way. (Phone rings) “Um what’s up baby” says Malik. “Hey babe, we have a big problem, something terrible has happened and I need you come up to the bank on Shelby Drive, next door to the IHOP.” Shit, I gotta come right now? I’ma lil busy at the moment, can you give me about 45 minutes? “What tha fuck?! Bring yo' mutha fucking ass to the got damn bank, right mutha-fucking-now, our son has been kidnapped!” Why didn’t you say that when you first called me? I’m on my way and yo ass betta not have shit to do with it either, low down ass. (Ends call) Hold up baby, I gotta go handle some business and I’ll holla at you later on during the week.
Scene IV - First Tennessee Bank - Cola
The police finally arrived, I’m a nervous wreck, my makeup looks like a scene from a horror film, but I don’t care. Malik just got here, he didn’t come home last night, nor have I seen him today, I’m sure he was with his lil side piece, Marie. I ain’t got the time nor the fuckin’ energy to address that bull shit, but if he was at home, I wouldn’t hired Jessica from, nor would our son be missing. Malik is just as mad and concerned as I am, but I am extra livid! Next thing we hear, the police announce over the CB radio, “Gray Nissan Sentra has been spotted, headed south bound towards Oxford MS. It’s about 20 police cars, we hit the interstate in high pursuit, I hop in the car with Malik and we follow the sea of blue as we are going about 95 MPH down I-55. I noticed the G-string panties tucked on the side of the seat, but I ain’t say shit. We all take exit US278 and get off on Lamar Blvd. We see the car, the police have it surrounded, guns are pointed to the vehicle and my heart is pounding so loud, I can’t hear my thoughts. I feel like I am having a panic attack, the officer is holding me back, as tears stream from my face, I break loose, sprint to the car, run to the backseat, my mouth drops open, but no words come out, all I could do is fall to my knees, only to find….. 

© 2017 CiCi Rayne ǁ All Rights Reserved   

Monday, March 6, 2017

Sunshine Robbery - Short Story

Scene I – Regions Bank - Elvis Presley and Shelby Drive


Okay, here is the plan, I will go in and case the bank, check it for cameras, see how many security guards are present and see what side the vault is on. Chauncey, you stay in the car and monitor the parking lot, I want you to observe the normal day-to-day activity of the people and look for suspicious behavior. I exit the car, cool, calm and collective, plus wearing a suit is not typical, because no one would expect a hood nigga like myself to rob a bank while dressed to impress. I walk in and guard # 1 armed, medium haircut, small build, looks clumsy, light skin black man, and flirts with bank teller # 3. He is also married and she is single, appears to be in her late 20’s, dark skinned, braces, freckles, bites her lip when flirting. The layout is simple, 3 entrances one from the west side, the east side and the south side, the loan officers are sitting on the west side entrance, immediately to left, after entering a double set of doors. Teller # 1 is heavy set, plain jane, looks like she is dedicated to her job, round face, pretty smile, jagged teeth. Teller # 2, worked the drive through window, male, dark skinned, slim built, younger than I would expect, early 20’s. I stand in line among the 15 people that were already waiting, giving me of plenty of time to find the manager. She comes out of the vault, taller than I imagined, she stood roughly 5’11” had a swag with her walk, kind of sexy to be honest, fair skinned, built like an amazon, and her presence demanded respect. I look at her name tag and it says, Amanda. My watch buzzes, [Chauncey - 5-0 Kroger parking lot, 2:00 direction, disturbance] I reply, keep cool. I make it to the window and the teller walks away to assist her co-worker at the drive-thru window. The manager walks by, excuse me Amanda? “Yes, how are you today?” I’m great, but I have some questions about ROTH, and savings accounts that would grow interest over time. I can tell she was attracted to me, I watched as she twirled her hair with her fingers. “I can help you with that, I’ll step out and explain to you all of the products that would be beneficial to you and hopefully suit your needs. She walks her fine ass over to her office, I’m glad I shaved and trimmed my beard, she might like the 5 o’clock shadow. She closes the door, which I thought was strange but maybe this is her way of making sure our convo is private. She looked very comfortable, I glance down underneath her desk and she has stepped out of her heels, I ask her to explain the various accounts Regions has to offer. She went into a full sales pitch, I didn’t hear anything she said, I simply watched her lips move and the way her tongue danced in her mouth, when she was talking to me, was enough for me to say yes. I mentally fucked her on the desk, with her hands on the wall, I know she can give good head, and that ass doggy style, would make me live a civil life. Watch buzzes again [Chauncey – what’s taking so long homey?] I come of out my daze, I asked her where was the restroom, she told me down the hall, but I would have to use the employee restroom. I excused myself, and walked down the hall, sent Chauncey the stats on the bank, gave him the preliminary go and went back to entertain Ms. Amanda, I can tell right now, she gone be my next thang.


Ah’ight here’s the deal, Crew A takes the East side entrance, Crew B takes the West side entrance and my crew we are taking the south side which is the main entrance. Let’s get in position and remember we only have 2 minutes to get in and out max.We got the final signal, let’s go, no mistakes, be ready, stay focused and don’t fuck this up.

Scene II – CVS Pharmacy - Raines and Elvis Presley


Girl, that’s my song on the radio, we need to go the bank so I can cash my tax refund check. Girl, I needs to buy my baby some shoes and I saw a Chevrolet Camaro on Winchester that was to die for! “How much is your check boo?” Um, that ain’tnone of yo business chic! *Rolls eyes* Anyways, the bank is a little crowded, but I got time, I hope they don’t try to put a hold on my check. “They only do that when you deposit the check,not cash it.” Okay then, I’ll be right back.

Scene III Regions Bank


"So what products are you interested in going forward with?”Says Amanda. Are you happily married or seeing someone? “I’m neither, why are you asking, aren’t you taken, Mr….I don’t know your name yet.” My name is Ralph McDaniel and I would like to get to know you better. “How well do you want to know me?” Well enough, Ms. Amanda, when are you available? “I’m available immediately, if you down for a little fun.” Well, well, well aren’t you the forward one, can I have a hug? The hug that she gave me felt like I was merging with Scott’s toilet tissue, her body felt cotton, and I couldn’t help but touch that ass because she had it all over me. I had to steal a kiss as I caressed her face, dragging my hand down the nape of her neck, as my lips pressed against hers I felt fireworks, more like magic. I can only imagine what the sex would be like. But I needed to keep her occupied until the guys were finished, I scanned her office and I observed her silent light alarm. I turned her body so she couldn’t see the light flashing, I wondered if she would let me go all the way, since the door was closed. I leaned her against the desk, whispering in her ear, I can make you happy. She smiled, I saw the light flashing, I say to her, you look tense, lay on your couch and allow me to give you a massage. She gave me a strange look, I’m not going to try anything with you, your body felt tense when I hugged you and I wanted to help you to relax, no strings attached. “Well, I have been under a ton of stress lately, I suppose a few minutes wouldn’t-Short hurt.” I’m thinking to myself, that’s all I need. I grabbed her hand and motioned her to lie down, I turned her head in the opposite direction away from the flashing light as I massaged her neck. She smelled so good, and I was trying to focus on her as I hear her moaning with pleasure as I began rubbing her shoulders down to her lower back. She had a very round ass, I couldn’t wait to slide my hands across it, as I test her reaction when my fingers slickly rubbed that pussy. She jumped as a loud knock pounded at the door, she yelled, “Who is it?” Security, we just had a robbery! “Oh my God, you have to leave and I have to get out there. Here is my card, my friends call me Sunshine and my cell number is on the back.” 


Text message [Cheeko – In and out] Finally, that shit is over, (phone rings) Sup? “This Cheeko, what happened?” We completed the mission, but one thing went wrong. “Please don’t tell me y’all did some dumb shit.” Well, we sorta had to shoot the security guard on the west entrance, because Romero dropped his ID on his way out and the dude picked it up. We really don’t know if he is dead or not though, so can you check with the manager chic and see what’s up? “What the fuck! You got damn amateurs, I’m not gone check with her, that shit look suspicious as hell!” What we gone then? “I don’t fucking know,what we gone do, what about the other security guard and we didn’t hear any gun fire.” Well, Romero had the silencer on the unit, and the other security guard was scared shitless, that dude had piss on his pants and the floor. We had on the ski masks so no one saw our faces, I’m just worried about dude, I would rather go to jail on armed robbery instead of attempted murder any day. “Don’t worry about that, I need for you to meet me at the spot so we can count the cash. We can talk about everything else in person. *Click*

Scene IV – Whitehaven View Apartments


These cats ain’t got here yet, where the hell they at? Let me check the GPS Lojack I had installed on Chauncey’s vehicle and check their location. Looks like they are in the Westwood area, why in the hell would they.I hop in my low key car, no one knows I have this one, I need to ride down on them, they trying to cut me and I got a gut feeling, this about to get real ugly. 

Scene V – Parkrose Avenue

I pull up and see the SUV’s outside and a vehicle I don’t recognize, I immediately strap up, I put a gun on my hoslter on my waist and the one in my sock, I placed my knife on the opposite side of my waist for just in case it’s some bull shit in the mix when I get in. I walk up to the door, this big black dude opens the door, and asks me to come on in. When I step in the entryway of the living room, I smell marijuana smoke, liquor bottles scattered throughout, and ashtrays all over the spot. I saw a naked chic walk to the bathroom, had the nerve to look at me, like I was naked. It’s four guys sitting at the table, counting cash, I ask them, where is Chauncey? They point to the back, I walk back there and peek into bedroom # 1, this dude snorting powder on a dinner tray. What the fuck you doing mane! “Aw, I was planning on coming to the other spot but I got caught up and decided to let Meechy oversee the counting of the cash with the crew. Dude, that wasn’t the plan and I don’t trust them guys at all! How you know they ain’t pocketing cash? Do you even have an idea of how much we got? “Yea, that is a good point, let me go in there and see what’s going on then, and we probably got around 100k.” Nah, don’t worry about it, I’ll go check on them, I closed the door and as when I turned around I screwed on the silencer. When I turned back around, he had his head down, I put the gun to his head and I whispered, I ain’t gone let no uneducated street cat ruin my business, ya dig? You got 10 seconds to tell me why I shouldn’t fuck yo life over, starting now….

© 2017 CiCi Rayne ǁ All Rights Reserved